Metsä Board Annual and sustainability report 2022

Calculation of key ratios

■ Alternative performance measures


Key figure

Justification for the use of the key figure


= Result before income tax, financial income and expenses, exchange gains and losses and share of results from associated companies and joint ventures

The key figure describes the Group’s ability to produce a profit from its busi- ness, and it is independent of the company’s capital structure

Operating result

The key figure shows how much margin is left over from the Group’s sales after deducting the variable and fixed costs of business before depreciation, amortisation and impairment The key figure describes the Group’s ability to produce a profit with the assets invested in the Group by shareholders

= Operating result before depreciation, amortisation and impairment losses


Result before income tax - income taxes

Return on equity (%)


Shareholder’s equity (average)

= Result before income taxes + net exchange differences and other financial expenses Balance total + non-interest bearing liabilities (average)

Return on capital employed (%)

The key figure describes the Group’s ability to produce a profit on the capital invested, from the point of the party investing the capital

Financial position

Shareholder’s equity

The key figure describes the Group’s capital structure, solvency and ability to take care of its commitments in the long run

Equity ratio (%)


Balance total - advance payments received

Interest-bearing net liabilities

Net gearing ratio (%)


The key figure describes the Group’s capital structure and financial position

Shareholder’s equity

Interest-bearing liabilities – cash and cash equivalents and interest-bearing receivables

Interest-bearing net liabilities =

The key figure describes the Group’s indebtedness


The key figure describes the Group’s application of funds for maintaining and renewing its production machinery and plants and for expanding its business with corporate acquisitions

Investments in owned and leased fixed assets and investments in business combinations

Total investments


= Net cash flow arising from operating activities + net interest expenses

Interest cover

The key figure describes the Group’s ability to meet its debt obligations

Net interest expenses

■ Share performace indicators

Key figure


= Profit attributable to shareholders of parent company Adjusted number of shares (average

Earnings per share

Equity attributable to shareholders of parent company Adjusted number of shares at the end of the period

Shareholders’ equity per share =

Dividends Adjusted number of shares at 31 December

Dividend per share


Dividend per share Earnings per share

Payout ratio (%)


Dividend per share Share price at 31 December Share price at 31 December Earnings per share Share price at 31 December Shareholders' equity per share

Dividend yield (%)


Price/earnings ratio (P/E ratio) (%)


P/BV (%)


Total traded volume per share (EUR) Average adjusted number of shares traded during the financial year

Adjusted average share price =

Market capitalisation

= Number of shares x market price at the end of period

The presentation of earnings per share is regulated by the Decree of the Ministry of Finance on the Regular Duty of Disclosure of an Issuer of a Security. In addition, the earnings per share ratio is regulated by the IAS 33 standard.



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