Our resource-efficient paperboards made of
renewable raw material have a smaller carbon footprint than many other packaging materials, and they are an excellent match for circular economy needs.
shareholder value. Metsä Board’s Board of Directors proposes that a dividend of EUR 0.58 per share be distributed for 2022. The proposal is in line with our dividend policy and reflects confidence in our future success. Our excellent performance in a volatile operating environment is proof not only of a well-functioning strategy but also of a compe- tent and motivated personnel. I wish to thank all our employees for their great work and all our customers and other partners for their good cooperation.
world-class competitiveness and a product concept that enables carbon footprint reduction. By utiliing the best available tech- nology, the consumption of raw materials, energy and water per tonne of folding boxboard produced can be significantly reduced compared to our current production units. Strong financial position supports growth Our strong financial position creates a firm foundation for future and planned growth investments in fibre-based packaging materials. In addition to our financial and sustainability targets, our decision making is guided by our long-term goal of increasing
Mika Joukio CEO
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