Metsä Board Annual and sustainability report 2022

Data in the scope of assurance

Non-financial key figures in the Disclosure of non-financial information: Environment Share of certified wood fibre, % Traceability of raw materials, % of total purchases Share of fossil-free raw materials and packaging materials, % of dry tonnes Direct fossil-based CO 2 emissions (Scope 1), t Indirect fossil-based CO 2 emissions (Scope 2, market-based), t Indirect fossil-based CO 2 emissions (Scope 2, location-based), t Indirect fossil-based CO 2 e emissions (Scope 3), t Share of target group suppliers who have set SBTi targets (Scope 3), % Share of fossil free energy (Scope 1 + 2, market-based), % Improvement in energy efficiency from 2018 level, % Reduction in the use of process water per produced tonne compared to 2018 level, %

Environmental permit limit violations based on the GRI Standards.

SASB metrics based on the SASB Pulp & Paper Products Industry Standard: Greenhouse gas emissions RR-PP-110a.1 Gross global Scope 1 emissions RR-PP-110a.2 Discussion of long-term and short-term strategy or plan to manage Scope 1 emissions, emissions reduction targets, and an analysis of performance against those targets Air quality RR-PP-120a.1 NOX (excluding N 2 O) SO 2 Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Particulate matter (PM) Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) Energy management RR-PP-130a.1 Total energy consumed Percentage grid electricity Percentage from biomass Percentage from other renewable energy Total self-generated energy Risks and uncertainties related to the use of biomass as an energy source Water management RR-PP-140a.1 Total water withdrawn Total water consumed, percentage of each in regions with High or Extremely High Base- line Water Stress RR-PP-140a.2 Description of water management risks and discussion of strategies and practices to mitigate those risks Supply chain management RR-PP-430a.1 Percentage of wood fibre sourced from (1) third-party certified forestlands and percen- tage to each standard and (2) meeting other fibre sourcing standards and percentage to

Utilisation of production side streams, % Social responsibility and personnel

Total Recordable Injury Frequency (TRIF) per million hours worked Lost-time accident frequency (LTA1F) per million hours worked Share of women in executive management (Vice President or higher) by 2025, % Diversity, equality and inclusion e-learning completion rate, % Women’s total earnings compared to men’s total earnings for white-collars/blue-collars Anti-corruption, anti-bribery and corporate culture Code of Conduct e-learning completion rate, % Ethics index of the Ethics barometer Suppliers’ commitment to the Supplier Code of Conduct, % of total purchases Supplier background check passed, % of total purchases Supplier sustainability assessment passed, % of total purchases

EU Taxonomy KPIs for climate change mitigation and adaptation in the Disclosure of non-financial information.

Mill-specific information based on the GRI Standards: Personnel Number of employees, FTE

Total recordable injury frequency, TRIF Lost-time accident frequency, LTA1F

Sickness absenteeism, % Managment system

each standard RR-PP-430a.2 Amount of recycled and recovered fibre procured Activity metrics

ISO 9001 ISO 14001 ISO 50001 ISO 45001 ISO 22000 FSSC 22000 Chain of custody

RR-PP-000.A Pulp production RR-PP-000.B Paper production RR-PP-000.C Total wood fibre sourced

PEFC FSC® Emissions to air (t) Biogenic CO 2 Fossil-based CO 2 ( Scope 1) Sulphur (SO 2 ) Total reduced sulphur Nitrogen oxides (NO 2 ) Particles Discharges to water (t)

Adsorbable organic halogen (AOX) Chemical oxygen demand (COD) Biological oxygen demand (BOD) Total phosphorus Total nitrogen Total suspended solids Water use (1 000 m 3 )

Water withdrawal Wastewater flow

Waste and by-products (t) Recovered by-products and waste Landfill waste Hazardous waste



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