In November, the Simpele paperboard mill hosted technology students and personnel from LUT University as part of the EU’s Equal Career Paths for Women – NOW! campaign, the key goal of which is to promote and support women’s equal employment and career advancement.
Workplace community and strategy Motivated people is one of the Metsä Board’s strategic
considerable technical investments made. The experiences gained will also be used at our other mills. We encourage our employees to actively develop their com- petence and participate in various types of training. To promote continuous development, Metsä Group launched Metsä Finance Academy, a training programme for all financial management employees, in 2022. Similar programmes are now being designed for other fields of competence. We also launched mentoring programmes to support professional growth and enable the use of tacit knowledge. In 2022, we introduced induction training for supervisors, which focuses on topics such as performance management, the supporting role of occupational health care in supervisory work, work-related legislation and challenging situations in daily work. Metsä Board has a bonus scheme based on the company’s strategy and personal targets. It covers the entire personnel. The personal performance bonus target of each Metsä Board employee includes an ESG target. Personal targets and development goals are set, and their progress is monitored in PDAs, which all employ- ees conduct with their supervisor twice a year. We prepare for future retirements by making retirement fore- casts and drawing up resource plans based on them. We recruit new talent through collaboration with educational institutions, summer jobs, and apprenticeships in production and maintenance, for example.
programmes. The programme focuses on the development of management and employees’ competence; harmonised operating models at mills; a diverse, equal and inclusive company culture; and future personnel needs. We want everyone in our workplace community to understand their role and the significance of their work in implementing our strategy. We measure our progress with our ethics barometer and personnel survey, which are conducted in alternate years. In 2022, it was the turn of the ethics barometer. We also introduced the Pulse survey in 2022. Conducted four times a year, it measures our personnel’s commitment to the company and their opinions about our level of business ethics. We seek to ensure the availability and retention of qualified personnel with our development programmes and successor planning, and by investing in cooperation with educational institutions and in our attractiveness as an employer. We use com- petence surveys to support the development of multiple skills and competence measurement. Regular and consistent monitoring and planning help provide everyone with a personal development plan to support their development at both personal and team levels. The aim is to ensure the adoption of the agreed best practices in all our locations. In 2022, we began developing the Husum mill’s operating model jointly with the employees to ensure the model supports the
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