Sustainability governance
In addition to applicable legislation, our work and decision-making are guided by Metsä Group’s Code of Conduct. These are comple- mented, among other things, by policies concerning personnel, equality, information security, competition law, sourcing and envi- ronmental matters. From our suppliers, we require a commitment to our Supplier Code of Conduct or supplier’s own equivalent Code of Conduct.
We are committed to acting in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and we expect the same from our business partners. Since 2003 we support the UN Global Compact and its principles on human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption, as well as the UN CEO Water Mandate.
Read also about Metsä Board’s corporate governance in Metsä Board’s Annual and Sustainability Report 2022, pp. 169–175 .
Code of Conduct e-learning was renewed
Our Code of Conduct contains the key principles on compliance, responsible business and respect for peo- ple. In November 2022, a revised online training course was published, covering all 15 of our Code of Conduct principles and guidance on how to report perceived wrongdoing. The training, aimed at all employees, is available in ten languages. ”The renewed e-learning training supports all of us in doing the right thing. This will ensure a common understanding the requirements set for business ethics and enable our employees to identify and raise ethically challenging situations in a timely manner,” says Tarja Tudor , Vice President, Compliance & Ethics at Metsä Group.
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