Material topics
We focus our sustainability work on the most material topics for us and our stakeholders. Metsä Group’s materiality assessment regarding sustainability was updated in autumn 2022, and Metsä Board will report according to the updated topics and targets starting with the reporting of 2023 data.
The process used for the materiality assessment consisted of three stages: identifying the material sustainability topics; prioritis- ing them; and confirming them. Sustainability frameworks and standards, regulatory require- ments, trends, and Metsä Group’s strategy were used to identify the material sustainability topics. In addition, interviews with internal and external stakeholders were carried out to find out their expectations towards the company. The external stakeholders interviewed included customers, investors, goods and service suppliers, and NGOs. The identified topics were prioritised in a workshop for Metsä Group’s management, where the significance of the topics’ impacts
on Metsä Board’s and entire Metsä Group’s business as well as the surrounding society, people and nature was assessed (so called double materiality). The seven material sustainability topics identified in the materiality assessment concern all Metsä Group’s business operations and account for the most significant impacts across the value chain. Metsäliitto Cooperative’s Board of Directors confirmed the material topics and the sustainability 2030 targets at the beginning of the year 2023. We will report according to the updated topics and targets starting with the reporting of 2023 data.
Material sustainability topics
E – ENVIRONMENT 1. Safeguarding biodiversity and ecologically sustainable forestry
MG : 100% of regeneration felling sites have retention trees MG : 100% of harvesting sites have high biodiversity stumps MG : 0% young stand management have only spruce remaining MG : 10,000 actions to enhance biodiversity
We safeguard and enhance biodi- versity byincreasing the conditions required by species and preserving valuable habitats. We mitigate climate change and reduce fossil-based carbon dioxide emissions, minimising the environ- mental impact of products and ensur- ing that carbon is bound in forests and stored in wood products.
2. Mitigating climate change and reducing emissions
0 t fossil-based carbon dioxide emissions, (Scope 1 & 2) 70% of target group suppliers have set SBTi targets by 2024 (Scope 3) 100% fossil free raw materials and packaging materials MG : +30% forest regeneration and young stand management (ha. compared to 2018) MG : +50% forest fertilization (ha. compared to 2018) MG : +30% share of continuous cover forestry in peatlands MG : +30% amount of carbon stored in wood products (ha. compared to 2018) -35% process water use per tonne of production (m 3 /t, compared to 2018) 10% improvement in energy efficiency (compared to 2018) 0 t of process waste sent to landfills
3. Sustainable production and efficient use of resources
We use natural resources efficiently and reduce waste.
S – SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 4. Respecting everyone and doing the right thing
We do the right thing – we respect each other and value diversity.
100% implementation of ethics barometer measures 100% anonymous recruitment for open recruitment >30% women in management positions
5. Promoting safety and well-being at work
We promote safety across the value chain.
0 accidents at work (TRIF) AAA job satisfaction among personnel
G – SUSTAINABILITY GOVERNANCE 6. Innovation and open- minded cooperation and 7. The impact of forest-based bioeconomy for society
We develop new wood-based products with partners. We know the origin of our raw materials. We favour responsible suppliers.
100% traceable raw materials >90% share of certified wood
100% commitment to Supplier Code of Conduct 100% core supplier assessments and audits 100% common sustainability targets with key partners
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